dinsdag 17 april 2012

Banana Muffins!

I made some banana muffins yesterday! They were freakin' delicious!My boyfriend didn't like them that mush... He sayd that the bananas were overpowering. I didn't mind that at all ^^ I loved the way they tasted when they were warm ^^

Sock monkey couple

Hello everybody! I decided to start my own vlog. I'll be putting things here that I made or that I love!
I hope you like it! I'll start with two sock monkeys that I just made. They are made from two socks that are from the same package. I showed my best friends my creations that I put on http://femjo.deviantart.com/gallery/32745522# and I told her that the monkeys were made by one pair of socks. She and her mother loved them so much, that we went to the mall to look for socks. This is the end result:

They totally loved them! Her mam said she wanted to give them a home on their couch! The fun part (for me) is that my best friend wanted the striped one when they were just socks, and now she wants the one with the flowers ^^ They haven't seen the monkeys in real life and I'm curious how they are going to react! I'm excited!

Would you like to make one too and would you like to know how I made them? This was the guide that I used when I made my first sock monkey: